Very beautiful baby hat description. Hat for a girl with knitting needles: diagrams and description. Fashionable knitted children's hats for girls and teenagers winter, spring, autumn, new models. Knitting patterns for hats: diagrams and description

Dial freely 17 p. +2 edge
1 p: ​​out
2 p (person. side): 1 out, * 1 person, (yarn, 1 person) -2 times, 1 out * (25 p)
3 r: 1 person * 5 out, 1 person *
R 4: P1 * K2, yarn over, K1, yarn over, K2, P1 * (33p)
5 r: 1 person * 7 out, 1 person *
6 p: 1 out * 3 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 3 persons, 1 out * (41p)
7 p: 1 person * 9 out, 1 person *
8 p: 1 out * 4 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 4 persons, 1 out * (49p)
9 p: 1 person * 11 out, 1 person *
10 r: 1 out * 5 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 5 persons, 1 out * (57p)
11 p: 1 person * 13 out, 1 person *
12 p: 1 out * 6 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 6 persons, 1 out * (65p)
13 p: 1 person * 15 out, 1 person *
14 p: 1 out * 7 persons, yarn over, 1 persons, yarn over, 7 persons, 1 out * (73p)
15 p: 1 person, 17 out of * from one p. 2 persons - behind the front. And back wall, 17 out * 1 persons (76p)
16 p: 1 person, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 2 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 13 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 1 persons
17 p: out
18 p: 2 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with a tilt to the left, 11 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with a tilt to the left, 11 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 2 persons
19 p: 3 persons, 13 out * 6 persons, 13 out * 3 persons
20 r: 3 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 6 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 9 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 3 persons

21 p: out
22 p: 4 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 8 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 7 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 4 persons
23 p: 5 persons, 9 out * 10 persons, 9 out * 5 persons
24 p: 5 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 10 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 5 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 5 persons
25 r: out
26 p: 6 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 12 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 3 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 6 persons
27 p: 7 persons, 5 out * 14 persons, 5 out * 7 persons
28 p: 7 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. faces with an inclination to the right, double crochet
* 14 persons, nakid, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the left, 1 persons, 2 vm. persons with an inclination to the right, yarn over * 7 persons
29 p: out
30 r: 8 persons, nakid, 3 vm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over * 16 persons, yarn over, 3 cm. persons (middle loop in the center), yarn over * 8 persons
31-32 r: faces
33 p: out
34 p: (2 vm. persons) - 3 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 7 times * (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 7 times * (2 vm. persons ) - 3 times (84p)
35-36 r: persons
37 p: out
38 p: (2 vm. persons) - 3 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons ) - 3 times (100p)
39-40 r: persons
41 p: out
42 p: (2 vm. persons) - 4 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons) - 8 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 9 times * (2 vm. persons ) - 4 times (108p)
43-44 p: persons
45 r: out
46 p: (2 vm. persons) - 4 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) - 8 times, yarn, (1 person, yarn) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons ) - 4 times (124p)
47-48 r: faces
49 p: out
50 r: (2 vm. persons) - 5 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) - 10 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons ) - 5 times (132p)
51-52 r: faces
53 p: out
54 r: (2 vm. persons) - 5 times, 1 persons, (nakid, 1 persons) - 12 times * (2 vm. persons) - 10 times, 1 persons (nakid, 1 persons) - 12 times * (2 vm. persons) - 5 times (140p)
55-56 r: persons
57 p: out
58 r: (2 vm. persons) - 6 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) - 12 times, nakid, (1 person, nakid) - 11 times * (2 vm. persons) )- 6 times
59 p: faces
60 r: * 2 persons, 2 vm. persons * (105 p). All loops are free to close.

Children's hats, scarves and mittens knitting or crochet

Now, if for what it is worth learning to knit, it is to knit a hat for your child. Today in children's clothing stores you are unlikely to find a knitted hat, which includes 100% baby cashmere or alpaca wool. In the best case, you will come across a wool blend hat (50% wool and 50% acrylic). But knitting a baby hat with knitting needles or crocheting is not at all so difficult, just basic knitting skills, a little patience and inspiration are enough.

Knitting patterns for children's hats are mostly universal, and in order to knit a hat, a girl needs to pick up yarn in light or colorful shades, and if you knit a hat for a boy, then give preference to calmer tones. Also, do not forget to add a hat, and knit a children's scarf with knitting needles or crochet. Knitting a baby scarf will take you several hours, and as a result you will get a warm and cozy thing for your child.

Well, what is a walk without warm mittens? Knitting mittens with knitting needles for a child will require a little more time and patience, but on the Hummingbird website you will find detailed descriptions how to knit mittens with knitting needles, as well as patterns for knitting mittens and ideas for the implementation of various models.

The original youth hat with a large pompom will appeal to young girls who like to attract attention with interesting additions to the main image. You can pick up a lemon or light green scarf for it, which will give the image a touch of completeness. Woolen and acrylic threads are selected for this model in a ratio of 1 to 1. In addition to aesthetic functions ...

Versatile and incredible simple model shirt-fronts with knitting needles, which will look equally good on both a three-year-old child and a girl of eight years old. This handy thing has several important advantages: Ease of manufacture. You make the front and back halves separately, and then simply connect them together. Convenience for the child himself; …

Do you want to give your child an original and useful gift? Even if you have not knitted anything for a long time, this shirt-front is so simple that you can easily cope with the task. The beautiful color of the yarn will certainly please the girl. And if not, you can always choose a material of a different shade for knitting. It doesn't matter at all. Bib...

Hat for a little fashionista is knitted from emerald yarn. The hat is knitted with the Leaves pattern, it turns out to be light and openwork, so it is not suitable for cold weather, but for warm autumn or late spring it will be very useful in the baby's wardrobe. The description is given for a girl of two years. For knitting this hat, it is better to choose ...

Children's set of snood and a warm knitted hat. A simple knitting pattern is quite accessible even for beginners. So you should try. Firstly, this is a great experience, and secondly, there is nothing complicated, and material costs are minimal. For this kit, you will need to purchase green yarn from your nearest craft store ...

A charming set for a little fashionista of a hat and scarf will surely please your princess. Indeed, in such accessories, she will definitely not be left without the attention of her friends. However, if you wish to substitute yarn, select it with care. After all, it is extremely important to stop at the one that will not subsequently inject the baby. A good option might be…

I bring to your attention an original children's set, consisting of a warm hat with an original pattern and a cute collar scarf. You have already seen such a model of scarves more than once in the form of adult models, which are known as snood. This is a very comfortable thing that protects the neck from cold and wind. In addition, a similar item of clothing looks very ...

Nowadays, any clothing store is replete with a variety of goods for children. However, things made by one's own hands are undoubtedly better than purchased ones. In addition to the lack of difficulty in choosing the size, material and compromise price, self-made clothes are always made with love. In this material, we will look at how a stylish winter hat for a little girl is made using knitting needles, and the diagrams will help you figure it out faster. Even beginner needlewomen can make knitted hats with the help of knitting needles, selected for girls, in which it will not be difficult to understand the description. The main thing is to have all the necessary tools and materials at hand, burn with desire and have free time.

Beautiful winter hat for a girl with knitting needles with patterns

How to knit a children's tight hat with knitting needles is easy and simple, let's figure it out in this material. Even beginners will cope with this work, since she does not require any special skills to create a product for a girl. To knit a winter hat for a girl with knitting needles, the patterns can be any. The pattern you like is chosen, the product is knitted as a continuous fabric, then fastened with threads. If you add a pom-pom, you get this:

Let's get to work. It is better to take woolen yarn of medium thickness, and the knitting needles are such that it is convenient to work.

75 loops are typed. Then 8 rows are knitted with a single elastic band, that is, 1 knit and 1 purl in turn.

The basis for such a pattern is “prepared” as follows: we knit 5 loops with purl, 7 facial and 7 purl. This algorithm is repeated until the number of rapports with facial loops is 7. We continue to work until we get 36 rows of such a straight fabric. Then knitting continues according to the scheme proposed above.

The final stage includes a gradual decrease in the number of loops. To do this, you need to knit 3 and 4 loops of each rapport as one “combined” front loop. Further, the loops are “taken away” every two rows until the rapports leave. Then we close the loops according to the pattern, and turn the canvas into a hat (you can use a crochet for this). The seam is made with a chain of air loops.

The finished product does not hurt to decorate with a pompom. It can be a real fur “ball” from an old hat or homemade from the same woolen threads.

According to this scheme, an autumn hat for a little girl can also be made. However, a headdress for a less cold season does not require 100% woolen yarn and is very dense pattern. Any other pattern will do, such as rice or Norwegian gum.

How to knit a hat-helmet: a master class

The headdress is designed for a small child, so we take only 100 g of yarn. Also, in the process of creating a hat, knitting needles No. 3 (circular and hosiery), knitting needles No. 4 (hosiery) and hook No. 3 are useful.

We will work with several basic patterns:

  • Stocking stitch

  • garter stitch

  • "Pigtail" of 6 front loops, where the first, fifth and seventh rows contain only front loops, the second, fourth and sixth are only purl, and the third is knitted according to the following pattern.

We remove the first 3 loops with an auxiliary knitting needle, simply knit the next three with a “face”, then turn on the loops from the “extra” knitting needle, that is, we knit crossed front ones.


Knitting begins with a strap that fits the oval of the face. To complete it, you need to dial 7 loops and, slowly, knit a scarf pattern of 125 rows. Close the loops, cut the thread.

The long edge of the resulting fabric contains 63 loops, but 106 are needed. To do this, we take a hook and work one row with it, performing single crochets like this: we knit 2 loops and 3 in turn (when 2 is obtained from 1).

The scheme of the front surface looks like this:

Remove the extreme loop, knit 2 PV, "!" 2 LG, 6 K, 2 LG, 4 PV "!" (from the icon "!", rapport begins - a constantly repeating section of the scheme). Finish row 2 LG, 2 PV, 1 "edge" (edge ​​loop). According to this scheme, we work 43 rows.

Row No. 44: The outermost 35 loops on both sides are knitted in a “pigtail”, in each of which you will need to close a pair of loops, turning the pattern from 6-loop to 4-loop. There are no changes in working with the middle, everything is according to the previous scheme.

Row No. 45: The first part of 35 stitches and the same number from the middle are knitted according to the pattern. The 36th loop is combined with the next and knitted. Turn work.

Row No. 46: Slip 1 loop as an edge loop, 35 middle loops are knitted in accordance with the pattern, the 36th is again combined with the next loop. Work rotation.

The resulting product should resemble a heel from a toe:

According to the proposed scheme, knit up to 51 rows, then start making “reductions” at the middle 36 loops, that is, symmetrically take away the loops. Each 6th row loses 2 loops: we leave the central “pigtail” and the 2 wrong ones surrounding it alone, the rest can be removed. The number of loops should be reduced to about 16.

Knitting continues until the final "loss" of the side loops. We close the middle, the thread should be cut.

The hat is ready. The next step is to add the shirt front. To do this, it is recommended to dial 5 air loops for the strap with a hook, 74 loops from the bottom edge and 5 more air loops. The knitting scheme is as follows: remove the edge, 6 PV, “!” 2 LG, 6 K, 2 LG, 5 PV "!" (the section marked with “!” is repeated four times), then 2 LG, 6 K, 2 LG, 6 PV, edge.

One of the straps is for buttons, the other is for buttonholes. In order for the product to be fastened without difficulty, it is necessary, starting a new row, to knit 3 PVs and make 2 yarns.

The next two loops are closed. In the future, the crochets are knitted PV according to the scheme. Having made the required number of button holes, we continue knitting according to the previous pattern up to the 16th row. Then our tool changes to the knitting needles of the fourth number, and additions are made in the form of 1 loop on the sides of the “pigtails” and the “wrong sides” (purl loops) surrounding them. Total work should increase by 10 loops.

The final 8 rows are knitted RC without additions. At the end, the loops are closed, buttons are sewn on, and the hat-helmet for the baby is ready!

The "pigtail" pattern allows the product to stretch, so the headdress is suitable for babies 1.5-2.5 years old.

Video on the topic of the article

Cap for a girl with "braids":

Garter stitch:


Facial surface:

"Pigtail" of 6 facial loops:

There are never too many hats! Especially when there are many children

1. "Quick Hat".

So, an autumn hat for the middle son, as I call it a "quick hat" for the evening. Yarn SUPER EXCELLENCE PRINT. Here are some interesting stripes. There are already several of these for the eldest son and our folder, in different colors, but all from the same yarn.

Here are the colors. I will not post photos of all hats, all of the same type. I will only warn you that the blue color turned out to be a little sticky. The rest were not noticed.

In general, I really liked the yarn, light, soft, even, hairy in moderation. How it will be in the sock - I will observe more

"Quickcap". Description:

We knit a sample, calculate the number of loops in a centimeter and count how many loops need to be dialed for our OG. My son has OG 52, I cast on 120 loops. But do not forget, everyone has their own yarn and knitting density too! I knit very tightly. I have needles 2.5 Addy, circular, 40 cm.

My yarn is fantasy, no need to be smart.

We just knit a certain number of centimeters with an elastic band 2 by 2 (I have 6-7 cm) with the thinnest knitting needles you have, as tight as possible so that the elastic band holds and does not stretch much over time! It's boring, dreary, but you'll appreciate it later! Then we move on to the surface and to the size of the needles that is comfortable for you. We knit to the desired depth, in the last few rows we make decreases: 2 knit together to the end of the row, until there are 20 loops on the needles. I switch to stockings at the end.

You can make smooth decreases if you want the hat to fit snugly on your head. But this way I knit only adult men's, for my taste, children's look better when they are pompous.

Break the thread with a margin, thread it into the remaining loops, pull it together, try to thread the thread into these loops a couple more times in a circle so that there is no hole left.

If desired, we decorate with a pompom, buttons, patches, stickers, bows, who, what is much

Voila, the hat for the evening is ready!

2. Hat with aran.

Finally got around to getting my hands on it. Yarn Semenovskaya, one skein was lying around, lay for a hundred years and finally came in handy.

Description of the hat with aran. The scheme was taken from the network. But I redid something, because the diagram and description were for a children's beret. Therefore, I post the scheme as it is, I post my own description.

First of all, we knit a sample, we calculate the number of loops. A sample of a pattern with aran, not gum, of course)))

Cast on the required number of stitches on the stocking needles and knit in the round with an elastic band 2 by 2 7-8 cm (well, or to your taste).

Then knit with a fantasy pattern, adding in the 1st p. according to the scheme. Namely: increase (facial from broach, crossed) after every four loops.

2-10th p. knit according to the pattern, according to the scheme.

8 p. cross left, 8 p. cross right, 1 out., 8 p. cross right, 8 p. cross left, 1 out., 8 p. cross left, 8 p. cross right ... to the end of the row

12-20th p.: Knit according to the scheme.

Then I made reductions as in the description for hat 2.

Well, the design, I have brushes.

3. Crazy beret.

Again, for myself, but already taking Crazy Color Yarn. I really liked the coloring. Now a scarf is being knitted in a set, but very slowly, because it’s boring for me to knit scarves back and forth in reverse rows))) I knitted the same beret for my mother, but I didn’t even have time to take a picture of a different color, she stole it from me quickly.

Crazy takes. Description.

We knit a sample! In my case, with the initial data of OG 56, knitting needles 3, Crazy Color yarn, it turned out that you need to dial 160 loops. The number of loops is a multiple of 4.

We knit with an elastic band 2 by 2 with the thinnest knitting needles you have, as tight as possible so that the elastic band holds and does not stretch much over time! It's boring, dreary, but you'll appreciate it later! We knit a beret leg. I know that berets with a high leg suit me, so I have 7-8 cm with an elastic band. Which suits you - it's up to you

Then we move on to the surface and to the size of the needles that is comfortable for you. In the first row of stitches, we make increases. Every 4 front loops we knit an additional front loop(crossed .. otherwise there will be holes). In total, we got 200 loops.

Almost a skein went on my beret, well, maybe 1/8 of the part was left from the skein.

We knit with a stitch to the required depth of the beret. To do this, we try on. Again, I don’t write how much specifically cm ... everyone has different hats and everyone has different heads.

I did the reductions according to the principle as in "Quick Hat". If desired, you can distribute the loops on additional knitting needles and make wedge decreases, as expected. But such berets do not suit me. This one turns out more magnificent.

4. Ski hat "Honey".

This is a bespoke hat. There is no design, as the customer wished, and so the drawing is fantasy. Hat under a ski jacket, wear under a hood.

Hat "Honey". Description.

Here it would be necessary MK, perhaps ... according to the pattern itself and according to the cap. But, if you wish, it is very easy to figure it out yourself.

I immediately post the MK (not mine, but very sensible) for knitting a hat with ears, so that the principle is clear.

The pattern itself

The pattern with knitting needles "Elongated cells" also refers to two-color patterns with removed loops, and it is more expressive when contrasting colors of thick yarn are used for knitting it. It is perfect for knitting baby clothes.

To knit a sample of the pattern with the knitting needles "Elongated cells", we cast on the knitting needles a number of loops divisible by 10, add 1 loop for symmetry and 2 edge loops (30 + 1 + 2 = 33).

In 1, 2, 5, 6th rows (light thread) - facial loops;

In the 3rd row (with a dark thread) - * 4 front, 3 loops are removed (thread behind the loops), 3 front *, 1 front;

In the 4th row (dark thread) - 1 purl, * 3 purl, remove 3 loops (thread in front of the loops), 4 purl *;

In the 7th row (dark thread) - * 2 loops are removed (thread behind the loops), 7 facial, 1 is removed (thread behind the loop) *, 1 is removed (thread behind the loop);

In the 8th row (dark thread) - remove 1 loop (thread in front of the loop), * remove 1 (thread in front of the loop), purl 7, remove 2 loops (thread in front of the loops) *;

In the 9th row (light thread) - repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

This is a description of the pattern, but I have it slightly modified. I took off not 3 loops, but 4. I knitted not 7, but 6. The rapport is the same, 10 loops still work out. Here you can fantasize in every way with the number of loops, when you understand the principle.

The pattern is very interesting and simple.

Yes, I redid it, of course, for circular knitting.

Therefore, we first knit a sample, calculate the knitting density and go ahead.

We collect 10 loops for the first ear, we knit with a pattern of 10 rows (until the first repetition), then we begin to add loops on each side of the ear (everything is as in the link to the MK that I posted above). We knit in turning rows. My eyelet had 28 loops. So we knit them 2 pcs.

Then we knit loops in the face at the first ear, then we collect the loops of the back of the head. I had 14 of them, and we "attach", we tie the second ear. But! Increasing at the beginning of the row and at the end we continue to do. By row, I mean our entire structure. We knit in turning rows about 2.5 cm for a children's hat, 4 cm for an adult. In each front row we add loops at the beginning and end of the row! As a result, I got 80 loops.

In the next front row, we collect loops for the frontal part of the cap. I had 40 loops.

I am writing a calculation for my size, my density, do not forget. If you count yourself, the rapport is 10 loops. The scheme of the cap with ears is approximate: we divide the total number of loops by 5. 1/5 each ear, 1/5 - the back of the head, 2/5 - the frontal.

I love smooth transitions between the ears and the occipital and frontal parts, which is why I don’t start with 4 loops, as in the set MK, but with a larger number, I gradually add loops in the ears, respectively, I have to add loops to the occipital and frontal parts in a smaller amount.

So, we knit now in a circle to the desired depth. Decreases like in "Quick Hat".

After crocheting with Softy yarn. Hook 3, tie in each loop, 3-4 rows, as you like. A little trick for a snug fit: we put the bobbin rubber in all these 4 rows of strapping. Do not pull it! We put it simply without tension, but not with an overlap.

After that, work with the lining. I have it from Soft as well. You can sew from fleece or jersey, as you can imagine.

You can dial loops according to the principle of knitting double caps. like this:

But I knitted the lining separately. Then I sewed it on with sewing threads. The yarn is so soulful, even the stitches are not visible. everything is done in one piece.

5. Children's hat "Smiley"

Now my daughter's new clothes, under the winter overalls.

Kashmir yarn from Alize. The drawing is simple, the design is even simpler ... because the cold came unexpectedly and a hat was urgently needed.

Description of the hat "Smiley"

We knit a sample, we consider the required number of loops for a set.

The calculation is simple: we divide the total number of loops into 5 parts. Let's say we have 120 loops. 24 loops each eye. The back part, between the ears is also 24, and the frontal part is 24*2=48.

We start with the ears, we collect 4 loops, and in each front row on both sides we add one loop. We reach 24 loops, cut the thread.

We knit the second eye in the same way, but we do not break the thread already at the end of knitting, but continue to knit it.

We knit in turning rows about 2-2.5 cm, but at the same time we continue to add loops on both sides, 1 in each front row. Usually loops 8-10 more increases are obtained.

Now you need to dial loops on the frontal part. We have already added 8-10 loops. 48-8 (or 10) = 40 (38) ... that is, we need to dial 40 (38) more loops. We collect and here we already knit in a circle.

This is the principle. For this hat, the ears are tied with an elastic band 2 by 2, then another 4-5 cm with an elastic band.

The trick of colored striped gum. All knitters know that if you change the thread to a different color, broaches will be visible.

So, so that they are not knitted like this: we knit an elastic band 2 by 2 in yellow, then we take a thread of a different color and knit the front row, then we continue to knit with an elastic band. Then your stripes will be perfect. The functionality of the gum is preserved. By the way, I just read it on the CM website and share it with you, if anyone else does not know.

Cap drawing


Wide embossed stripes are made both with an inclination to the left and with an inclination to the right.

Tilt to the left is performed as follows:

1, 2, 3, 4th p.: 2 out. p., 4 persons. P.

5th, 6th, 7th, 8th p.: 2 persons. p., 2 out. p., 2 persons. P.

9, 10, 11, 12th p.: 4 persons. p., 2 out. P.

Decreases, as in my previous options.

Decoration - pompom and application "Smiley"

So, about the lining and the design of the edge of the cap with the lining.

There is an excellent MK around the edge

Knitted winter hat for a girl with knitting needles

Dimensions: 122—140

You will need:

  • 100 g cream (col 152), 50 g each of orange (col 103), dark green (col 124) and red (col 44) Bingo Lana Grossa (100% wool, 80 m/50 g), 50 g lilac melange (col 203) Bingo Melange Lana Grossa (100% wool, 80m/50g);
  • a set of stocking knitting needles No. 6;
  • pompom making kit
  • Rubber: alternately 2 out., 2 persons.

    Facial surface: in a circle. R. knit only faces. P.

    Wrong surface: in a circle. R. knit only out. P.

    Strip sequence: 3 circle. R. out. iron with orange thread, 6th circle. R. persons. smooth cream thread, 3 circle. R. out. iron with red thread, 6th circle. R. persons. smooth cream thread, 3 circle. R. out. iron with a dark green thread, 6th circle. R. persons. smooth cream thread, 3 circle. R. out. lilac smooth surface melange thread= 30 circle. R.

    Knitting density, persons. surface: 16 p. and 22 p. = 10 x 10 cm.

    Description of work:

    With a cruciform set with a double cream thread, dial 72 p., close in a ring and mark the beginning of the circle. R. Knit with an elastic band. After 5 cm, knit 2 circles. R. persons. p., then knit 30 circle. R. in a sequence of stripes. Next, knit faces. smooth cream thread. Through the 6th circle. R. perform subtractions.

    1st circle, p .: knit faces together. every 7th and 8th p. = 63 p.

    4th circle, p.: Knit faces together. every 6th and 7th p. = 54 p.

    7th circle, p .: knit faces together. every 5th and 6th p. = 45 p.

    10th circle, p.: Knit faces together. every 4th and 5th p. = 36 p.

    13th circle, p.: Knit faces together. every 3rd and 4th p. = 27 p.

    16th circle, p .: Knit faces together. every 2nd and 3rd p. = 18 p.

    After the 18th circle. R. Pull off the remaining 18 sts with a working thread. Make a pompom from yarn of all colors with a diameter of 6-7 cm and sew it to the hat.

    Knitted hat with ears for a girl

    Size: for 2 years.

    Materials: blue yarn (95% acrylic, 5% metallic, 330 m / 100 g) 100 g, white yarn of the same quality 20 g, circular knitting needles (5 pcs.) No. 3, hook No. 2.

    Facial surface: in circular rows, all loops are facial.

    Pattern for "ears": crochet with single crochets, threading the hook under both loops of the loop of the previous row.

    Embroidery: with white yarn, embroider large and small snowflakes with long stitches, as indicated in figures 8, 9.

    Completing of the work:

    with blue yarn, dial 85 sts on the knitting needles and knit in circular rows stockinette stitch. After 8 rows, knit in stripes: 1 row - white yarn, 1 row - blue yarn, 3 rows - white yarn, 1 row - blue yarn, 1 row - white yarn. Continue knitting with blue yarn. At a height of 18 cm from the inlaid edge, knit all the loops 2 p. Together, cut off working thread, leaving a piece about 15 cm long. Collect all the loops on a piece, pull tight and fasten.

    For the “ears”, knit two rows of single crochets along the bottom edge of the cap. Then crochet triangular "ears", guided by the pattern. For ties, attach chains of air loops. Tie all the edges of the cap, including the ties, with one row of single crochets. From yarn of both colors, make a pompom on (Fig. 7) and attach hats to the top of the head. Embroider snowflakes on the right side of the hat.

    Hat with pom-pom knitting needles for girls

    A soft beanie with a pattern and a fluffy pom-pom will be a decoration of a child's wardrobe.

    Size: 56 cm

    You will need:

    • 100 g white yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 50 g / 115 m);
    • knitting needles No. 2.5 and No. 3;
    • fur pompom.

    Braid pattern 1: rapport 18 loops.

    1-7, 9-15 rows: facial.

    8 row: 6 persons., 6 loops leave on an additional knitting needle before work, 6 facial, 6 facial from an additional knitting needle.

    16 row: leave 6 loops on an additional knitting needle at work, 6 facial, 6 facial from an additional knitting needle, 6 facial.

    Braid pattern 2: rapport 4 loops.

    Odd rows - facial.

    Even rows - leave 2 loops before work, 2 persons., 2 facial from an additional knitting needle.

    Description of work:

    cast on the needles 2.5 112 loops and knit in a circle with an elastic band 1 * 1 25 rows.

    Change to needles No. 3 and knit as follows: * 18 loops of braid 1, 2 purl, 4 loops of braid 2, 2 purl, 4 loops of braid 2, purl 2 * - between ** repeat 4 times. Knit in a circle 46 rows.

    47 row:(* 2 together facial, facial * 6 times, 2 together purl, 2 together facial 2 times, 2 together purl, 2 together facial 2 times, 2 together purl.) - between ()
    repeat 4 times.

    48 row:(* 4 persons., 4 persons. loops leave on an additional knitting needle before work, 4 facial, 4 facial from an additional knitting needle, purl, 2 knit together, purl, 2 knit together, purl * 4 times

    49 row:(* 2 together facial, facial * 4 times, out., persons., out., persons., out.) -between () repeat 4 times.

    50-51 rows:* 8 persons., out., persons., out., persons., out. * 4 times.

    52 row:* 2 together front 4 times, purl, remove 1 loop, 2 together front, stretch this loop through the removed, purl * 4 times.

    Pull off the remaining loops. Sew on a pom-pom.

    Hat for a girl with knitting needles: a selection of patterns