We knit aran pattern with knitting needles. Knitting arans with knitting needles. Knitted diamonds from braids

Intricate patterns that are often found on knitted items and are impressive with their complex texture are called arans. Creating these designs with knitting needles is quite difficult. This requires enormous attention and accuracy in order to create a large and voluminous ornament due to the many weaves. From this article you will learn the principles of knitting arans with knitting needles, and also learn how to correctly read diagrams of complex patterns.

History of the origin of the drawings

The patterns mentioned come from the Irish Isles. Local residents went to the sea where they caught fish. Women, waiting for the men to return, knitted warm sweaters for them, wanting to protect them from the harsh working conditions. Knitting ornate and symmetrical patterns, needlewomen believed in their symbolism and decorated clothes with them in order to protect the sailor from the water elements. Such drawings had certain differences that belonged to a separate family. By knitted Arana could easily find out which clan the fisherman belonged to.

Irish motifs gained worldwide fame at the beginning of the 20th century. Craftswomen began to knit clothes not only for family members, but also for stores, for the purpose of sale. Over time, the production of warm clothes decorated with arans grew and in the early 40s it was put into production. Ornament patterns began to be published in magazines, and today they are very popular all over the world.

Pattern elements

As already mentioned, each ornament contains a symbolic meaning. The outlines of the drawings are largely related to marine theme. The diamond shapes formed by the interlacing of braids symbolize a fishing net, while the braids themselves represent fishing ropes. The fine mesh represents native fields, inviting you to return home. The symbol of algae enriching the earth is done in a small pattern. Various zigzags and geometric lines contained in knitted aranakh, are interpreted as water streams and paths winding along the cliffs.

Features of knitting ornaments

Looking at a complex pattern, you can identify many individual details that require special attention when knitting. Use a few tips to help you in your work:

  • Before knitting aranas using patterns with descriptions, you need to study the drawing in detail and identify the existing elements.
  • To knit braids and plaits, use auxiliary knitting needles or special tools.
  • To avoid confusion, separate different elements of the ornament with stops or marks.
  • Knit loosely and loosely - this will help you cross the stitches easily.
  • Keep in mind that arans tighten the fabric, so cast on a few spare loops along the edges of the product.
  • In order to highlight the texture of the pattern and give it volume, aran is knitted on the reverse surface using the knitting method.
  • Please note that when working with knitting needles, diagrams describing arans show the front side of the ornament. We also see the purl rows from the face. Therefore, in even rows it is necessary to knit loops opposite to the pattern in order for the front pattern to look correct and harmonious.

What does aran knitting pattern look like?

You can understand the description of the knitting pattern by taking a closer look at it. The main part of this pattern consists of braids and strands of various widths. On weave diagrams they are indicated by an “X” pointing to the right or left. In addition, the upper segments of the icon can cover one or more segments. In most aran patterns created for knitting, with descriptions of braids and plaits, the number of component parts of the symbol can be different.

  • The sign facing the upper part to the right indicates that the first selected loops must be placed without knitting at work. Then knit the number of links marked in the diagram with knit stitches, as well as the skipped loops, pulling them through the back of the fabric.
  • The icon turned to the left indicates that the first links need to be removed and left before work. Next, knit the following loops, in the number indicated by the bottom lines, then repeat this step with the removed links.
  • Empty cells, as well as interlacing, - facial loops.
  • Dash - links knitted purlwise.
  • In the diagrams you can find a circle, in the place of which you need to create a yarn over.
  • A "T" falling to the right means 2 stitches knitted together, inserting the needle into the links on the left side.
  • If the “T” sign is directed in the opposite direction, then the first loop must be removed, the second one must be knitted in the right way and pulled through the removed link.

Despite the fact that the description of knitted arans contains a small number of symbols, the difficulty lies in the multiple movements of weaves throughout the entire pattern. While working, you must carefully monitor the progress of the scheme and take into account the tips given in this article.

Aran knitting is ancient Irish technology handicrafts. It is named after the islands of the same name in the west of Ireland. Initially used in knitting fisherman's sweaters, arans and plaits over time gained well-deserved popularity among craftswomen. Nowadays, such patterns are in great demand and serve as a real decoration for women's, men's and children's knitted products.

And how harmoniously such a pattern looks on knitted interior items! Aranas and strands of knitting patterns are so varied that sometimes it is very difficult to choose the most acceptable option.

We present to your attention interesting selection sample patterns with diagrams.

Abbreviations used in descriptions:

  • pattern repeat - P;
  • front rows - LR;
  • purl rows - IR.

Harnesses on the reverse surface

Structured twists and braids on the inside. smooth surfaces are great for men's pullovers and sweaters.

The primary set of loops is 18p.+2p. additional+2cr.

We knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. We start with 1 cr., then - loops before P, then repeat P, finish with 1 cr. Knit IR according to the pattern.

Vertical P consists of 1p. for 28 rubles.

Thick tourniquets

Volume relief pattern for thick yarn. The braids hold the fabric perfectly, preventing it from stretching.

The number of points is 14 points + 2 points + 2 cr. We knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern.

Vertical P consists of 1p. 16 rub.

Aranas with cones

Beautiful rice for children's and women's items. It is better to knit it from medium weight yarn.

We dial 38p.+2cr. Knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern. We knit yarn overs in IR purlwise. p., loops of cones - facial.

Vertical P consists of 1p. 22 rub.

Combined braids

An interesting combination of braids and plaits suitable for female and male models.

Knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern.

Horizontal P in diagram. marked with a bracket, vertical P with 1p. for 32 rubles.

Aranas in the form of a diamond

It can serve as the central detail of the composition. Looks good on pullovers and jumpers.

Such plaits with knitting needles are made on the basis of a simple elastic band 3l.x3i. The circuit contains only LR. In IR we knit all the loops purlwise.

Horizontal and vertical P are equal to 33p, respectively. and 50r.

Waves from bundles

Suitable for women's and children's clothing. Looks very nice on blankets and bedspreads.

The diagram shows the LR and IR on the front side.

Horizontal R is 20 p., vertically we knit from 1 p. for 48 rub.

Spikelet with pigtails

Can serve as decoration women's pullover. Also looks good as a decorative finish for a bedspread or sofa cushion.

We show the pattern in LR, in IR we knit the loops according to the pattern. Knit yarn overs purlwise.

Horizontal and vertical P are equal to 34p, respectively. and 23r.


Laconic pattern for medium weight yarn.

In LR we knit the bundles according to the pattern with knitting needles, in IR - according to the visible risk. We start with 1 cr., then - loops to P, repeat P the required number of times, and finally - 1 cr.

The number of stitches is 14p.+13p.+2cr. Knit vertically once with 1p. 34 rubles each, then repeat with 3 rubles. for 34 rub.

Celtic pattern

An original combination of different harnesses and arans. For beginner knitters, this may seem difficult to do. In addition to knitting needles, it is convenient to use a hook for knitting weaves.

Red square in c. indicates the absence of a loop. You should move on to knitting the next one. element.
The width of the pattern is 54 p., in height we repeat from 1 p. 30 rub.

Aran motif

Interesting intertwined arans add an oriental flavor to the design. Suitable for various models adult and children's clothing.

Blue square in c. indicates the absence of a loop. You should move on to knitting the next one. element. Loop highlighted green, knitted as knit 2 together.

Horizontal and vertical P are equal to 26p, respectively. and 48r.

The rich weave creates a very beautiful knitting pattern. An excellent choice for women's pullover models.

On сх. LR and IR are present.

The width of the motif is 36p. Knit vertically once with 1p. 40 rubles each, then repeat with 3 rubles. 40 rub.

Braid of 30 loops

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 30 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 40r.

Diagonal Aranas

Pattern for knitting with threads of medium thickness.

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 46 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 26r.

Aranas for bedspreads

Pattern for knitting with threads of medium thickness.

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 22 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 28r.

Wide stripe of arans

Royal pattern for interior items. Requires special attention when performing a knitting pattern.

Cx. shows all rows.

Number of items horizontally -64 items. In height we knit with repetitions from 1 p. for 38 rub.

Knitted diamonds from braids

A double pearl pattern is used to fill the diamonds. A beautiful solution for women's and children's models.

Cx. shows all rows.

Number of stitches horizontally – 20 stitches. In height we knit with repetitions from 1 p. for 36 rubles.

Path of ropes

For fine to medium weight yarns. This braid trail is ideal for children's clothes.

You can knit such bundles with knitting needles according to a diagram that shows all the rows.

Horizontal R has 16p, vertical R - 32p.

Braid of 34 loops

Multiple weaves of the braid create a truly exquisite pattern.

The pattern diagram shown contains all rows.

The required number of stitches in width is 34 stitches. You need to knit from 1p. for 28 rubles.

Laconic braids with knitting needles

Neat braids and arans located on the reverse surface are perfect for men's jumper, women's pullover. This pattern will also be useful for decorating a blanket or pillow.

The diagram shows all the rows

The required number of stitches in width is 30 stitches. You need to knit from 1p. for 32 rubles.

Interweaving braids and arans

A wonderful motif knitted from medium-thick yarn can become a decoration for various models of women's and men's clothing.

The presented diagram shows only LR; in IR we work according to the visible risk.

The motif is located at 36p. We start with 15 sts before P, then - loops P, finishing with loops after P.
You need to knit once with 1p. at 62 rubles, then from 3 rubles. for 62 rubles.

Double aran mesh

This pattern can be used both as an integral part of the composition and as the main pattern of the product. Holds the shape of the canvas perfectly.

The diagram represents LR and IR.

Horizontal R = 16 p., vertical R with 1 p. 20 rub.

Complex braid for the central motif

Can be used as a decoration for the front of a jumper or pullover, including on the sleeves of the product.

The diagram contains LR and IR.

The width requires 42 stitches, the height is knitted with 1 stitch. 16 rub.

Lattice of arans and braids

The rice-ok resembles a lace lattice. Can be used as part of an overall pattern, or as an independent pattern.

The diagram shows only LR. For IR we knit according to the visible pattern.

Pattern width 30p., height 28p. You need to start with 5p. before P, then repeat stitches P, finishing with 9 stitches after P.

Aran stripe

The whimsical interlacing of arans is framed on both sides by 4p braids. The pattern is suitable for men's, women's and children's models.

The diagram shows all the rivers. When working with IR, you can check the diagram, or you can simply knit the loops, focusing on the previous row.

The required number of stitches is 32 stitches plus 1 stitch. for symmetry. In height we repeat from 1p. for 32 rubles.

Triple loops

Alternating purl and stockinette stitch for filling arans it gives additional density to the knitted fabric. The pattern looks good not only on adults, but also on children's things.

The diagram shows only LR, in IR we knit all the loops according to the drawing.

Horizontal P is 10p. We knit vertically once with 1 p. 10 rubles each, then repeat from 3 rubles. 10 rub.

Arana flowers

Very elegant drawing for models women's jumpers and pullovers. It also looks beautiful on knitted sofa cushions and bedspreads.

Horizontal P consists of 28p. If the motif is used as the central part of the overall pattern, then it is better to knit 46 stitches in width. We knit 34 rubles in height.

Weave from strands

The result is a structured canvas. Keeps its shape very well and does not stretch.

The number of points dialed must be a multiple of 8.

Beautiful and simple aran 22 loops wide: video master class

Knitting is one of the favorite types of needlework not only for grandmothers, but also for young girls, because it allows you to create very beautiful products, for example, if you knit arans. Knitting Aranas on sweaters or blouses is easy, even for beginners. The best schemes knitting aran with step by step description will be presented in this article.

Knitting Aranas on sweaters or blouses is easy even for beginners

This pattern is quite easy to knit, the main thing is to follow the instructions. The more the craftswoman practices, the easier it will be for her to subsequently “read” the diagrams.

So, the work is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to knit a sample in order to later determine the required number of loops. Cast on 12 loops plus edge stitches, for a total of 14. This is enough to knit the sample.
  2. The first pair of loops are knitted inside out, 2 more are removed onto a (auxiliary) knitting needle, a couple of loops are knitted on the face, and those on the auxiliary knitting needle are knitted on the wrong side. Continue this way until the end of the row.
  3. Next, knitting occurs according to the pattern, that is, all even rows, starting from 4, are knitted in the same way as the second row.
  4. Scheme for working on the third row: 2 loops are knitted on the face, and 2 - on the wrong side. Then 4 loops are knitted inside out, and 2 are removed on an auxiliary needle. Next knitting according to the pattern. The loops on the auxiliary needle are knitted with the face.
  5. The pattern must be repeated from the first row.

Advice: when knitting arans, it is very important not to deviate from the pattern, since if you make a mistake during work, it will be difficult not to notice it on the product. Therefore, if something was knitted incorrectly, you need to unravel the product to the place where the knitting was correct.

Knitting Large Celtic Patterns for Beginners

Large Celtic patterns can decorate a sweater or jacket. They are also often depicted on knitted hats or scarves.

Master class on knitting Celtic patterns:

  1. For a standard Celtic knitting pattern, you need to cast on 25 stitches. The number of stitches cast on must be a multiple of 5.
  2. The first row is knitted from the front side of the product. Three knit stitches alternate with four purl stitches. Repeat this until the end of the row, but the last 2 stitches, including the edge stitch, are knitted inside out.
  3. Second row: Two knit stitches alternate with six purl stitches. At the end of the row, knit 3 loops inside out.
  4. Knit the third row in the same way as the first.
  5. Knit the fourth row in the same way as the second.
  6. Next, knitting continues according to the given pattern. The pattern will be formed from the third to the 10th row. If it is not visible, this means that the craftswoman made a mistake somewhere.

Large Celtic patterns can decorate a sweater or jacket

What yarn should you choose for knitting Celtic patterns?

There is no universal type of thread for this pattern, however, there are several recommendations. So, what should the yarn be?

  • Twist – medium.
  • The structure of the thread is smooth.
  • The thread thickness is medium.

Beginners are recommended to use wool blend thread, as it is a universal yarn for learning. Craftswomen who have experience in knitting Celtic patterns are recommended to purchase sheep wool for such work. Knitting with such yarn is much more difficult, but the product turns out very beautiful and neat.

Which yarn is clearly not suitable? Maher or polyester. If you use such a thread when knitting a Celtic pattern, it will not be visible. The product will look as if it was knitted with even fabric, so no one will appreciate the efforts of the needlewoman, not even herself.

If you plan to knit a pullover or dress, it is better to purchase a thin thread. The work will look more elegant. As for knitting warm winter sweatshirts and sweaters, it is better to purchase a thick thread for this. Thick half-woolen or wool yarn will allow you to create a product in which the craftswoman or the person for whom she intended the work will clearly not freeze.

How to make your task easier when knitting Celtic patterns?

Beginners at the beginning of work may find this knitting very difficult. Yes, it cannot be called easy, because the rules for “reading” diagrams and planning your work are important here. That is why you can follow recommendations that will help simplify the task for a beginner.

  • After the initial study of the diagram, the master must transfer it to a piece of paper in a box. It is enough to draw a pattern in each cell as if 1 cell is 1 loop. Further knitting should be based on hand-drawn motifs.
  • Before knitting a product with this ornament, you should knit a sample. Firstly, this is necessary in order to determine the required number of loops for the product, and secondly, to practice.
  • The knitting density should be medium. A beginner should take into account the fact that while knitting braids, his product will tighten, so if he knits too tightly, it is worth correcting this.
  • When, after knitting the sample, the exact number of loops is calculated, the layout of the future product should be drawn on paper. In the future, the master must pay attention to this layout regularly in order to prevent errors in his work.

Beginners may find this type of knitting very difficult when starting out.

If all the calculations were made correctly and the layout was drawn up correctly, then the master will definitely be able to do the job efficiently.

Large arans with knitting needles

There are many patterns for knitting large arans.

Here is one of them:

  1. The number of stitches cast on for knitting a sample should be a multiple of 10. Don’t forget about the edge stitches!
  2. The first couple of stitches are knitted inside out, the next 4 stitches are knitted facewise, stitches 8 and 9 should be taken off on an additional needle. Continue this way until the end of the row.
  3. Next, all even rows are knitted the same way, according to the pattern. The drawing must be visible from the front side.
  4. From the third row, the knitting pattern is as follows: the first 2 loops are knitted on the face, the other 2 are knitted on the wrong side, then 2 are removed onto a knitting needle, and then everything is the same as from the beginning of the row. Continue knitting odd rows according to this pattern.
  5. Work continues from the first row.

There are many patterns for knitting large arans

Many people enjoy working with yarn and knitting needles. It relaxes, allows you to relax and keep your hands busy. However, if you do not neglect the advice of experienced knitters, then in addition to having a pleasant time, you can make a beautiful and presentable knitted product with rhombuses.

  • You should always knit a swatch! You shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive and hope that without a sample you’ll be able to knit beautiful product aran pattern Even experienced knitters can't always do this. Therefore, even self-confident craftswomen should not overestimate their strength.
  • There is no need to select the density of the knitting needle according to the recommendations indicated on the yarn packaging. This does not always help, especially if you are knitting for the first time. There is a universal rule: the knitting needle should be slightly thinner than the yarn.
  • After stitching the work, it must be washed. Knitted products During work on them they become very dirty.
  • Don't skimp on good threads. Products made from natural yarn last longer and are more pleasant to wear than those made from synthetic yarn. They also don't cause allergic reactions(except for allergies to wool).
  • To make the decreases beautiful, the purl stitches should be hidden under the knit stitches.
  • Use the symbols on the diagrams.

Aranas with knitting needles: detailed master class (video)

Arana knitting for a cardigan: detailed master class (video)

Arana patterns look exquisite on any outfit. This is a classic that will never go out of style. So why not learn how to knit such an openwork pattern now?

Aranas are those same intricate patterns that are often found on knitted items and impress us with their complex structure. Having appeared a long time ago, these patterns have not gone out of fashion for several decades in a row. They decorate sweaters, cardigans, scarves, hats, and blankets. Aranas are popular in creating both women's and men's clothing collections. How to knit interesting patterns? In the article you will find pattern diagrams with descriptions.

Aran knitting (arans) is an ancient technique that came to us from Ireland. Once upon a time, local women decorated the sweaters of their fishermen husbands with patterns folded into fancy braids, investing the work with special meaning, wishes of good luck and prosperity.

Aran patterns are quite complex elements in knitting, so we advise you to start “getting acquainted” with them by doing samples - this way you will “get” your hand and can safely start knitting things with arans.

We invite you to knit classic Celtic patterns that are widely popular today. For each pattern we have selected models of different knitted items - photos that perfectly demonstrate how arans look on finished products. Below you will also find recommended yarns to choose from.

So, arm yourself with knitting needles, including an auxiliary needle (or a pin), and boldly get to work!

Pattern 1

Photo and diagram: spicami.ru

The number of loops is a multiple of 10 + 5 (minimum 25 loops against the backdrop of the purl stitch). The pattern shown is 25 stitches.

Special abbreviations:

Т5В - next Put 2 sts on the knitting needle for the “braid” at work, knit 3 sts from the left knitting needle, then knit purl. loops from a knitting needle for a braid.Т5F - next 3 sts put on a knitting needle for a braid before work, 2 sts with knitting needles knit purl, then knit knit. loops from a knitting needle for a braid.

1st row: (front side) k3, * purl 4, blitz, repeat from * to last. 2 p., 2 p.

2nd row:

3rd row: K3, * P4, C6F (put 3 sts on the braiding needle before work, knit the next 3 sts, then knit 3 sts from the braiding needle), repeat from * to last. 2 p., 2 p.

4th row: K2, * p6, k4, repeat from * to last. 3 p., 3 p.

5 row: * T5F, T5B, repeat from * until eaten. 5 p., T5F

6th row: 3 p., * 4 knit., 6 p., repeat from * to ate. 2 p., 2 knits.

7th row: 2 p., * C6B (put 3 sts on the knitting needle for the “braid” after work, knit 3 sts, then knit 3 sts from the knitting needle for the “braid”), 4 p., repeat from * before eating. 3 p., 3 knits.

8th row: same as 6th row

9th row: * T5B, T5F, repeat from * to last. 5 p., Т5В

10th row: same as 4th row

Rows 3 to 10 form a pattern.

Pattern on things

Aran knitting on men's sweaters is very common. Often a wide “mesh” aran is placed in the center front of the sweater and combined with different types braids that are narrower. See for yourself, this option looks universal and very stylish. White sweater We especially liked it.

A scarf with a Celtic braid looks very impressive. Its “strands” can be made more voluminous - then the pattern will look more prominent. An interesting frame is in the form of elastic at the ends and narrow braids along the edges of such a scarf.

Pattern 2


Cross 3 stitches to the left - retake 2 stitches on the auxiliary. knitting needle before work, 1 purl. n., 2 persons. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

Cross 3 p. to the right - retake 1 p. on the auxiliary. knitting needle at work, 2 persons. p., 1 p. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

Cross 4 stitches to the left - retake 2 stitches on the auxiliary. knitting needle before work, 2 p. n., 2 persons. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

4 p. cross to the right - reshoot 2p. on aux. knitting needle at work, 2 persons. p., 2 p. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

4 persons cross to the left - reshoot 2 points on auxiliary. knitting needle before work, k2. n., 2 persons. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

4 persons p. cross to the right - retake 2 p. on the auxiliary. knitting needle at work, 2 persons. n., 2 persons. p. with auxiliary knitting needles

Panel of 24 loops per purl. smooth:

1st row: (front side) (2 purl stitches, 4 knit stitches cross to the right, 2 purl stitches) 3 times

2nd row and all purl: according to the drawing

3rd row: 1 purl. p., 3 p. cross to the right (4 p. cross to the left, 4 p. cross to the right), * 2.3 p. cross to the left, purl 1. P.

5 row: Cross 3 stitches to the right, purl 1. p., (2 p. p., 4 knit p. cross to the left, 2 p. p.) * 2.1 p. p., 3 p. cross to the left

7th row: 2 persons p., 2 p. p. (4 p. cross to the right, 4 p. cross to the left) * 2.2 p. n., 2 persons. P.

9th row: (2 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches) * 2.2 purl stitches p., 4 persons. p. cross to the right, purl 2. p., (2 knit p., 2 p. p.) * 2

11th row: 2 persons p., 2 p. p., (4 p. cross to the left, 4 p. cross to the right), * 2,2 knits. p., 2 p. P.

Row 13: Cross 3 stitches to the left, purl 1. p., (2 p. p., 4 knit p. cross to the left, 2 p. p.) * 2.1 p. p., 3 p. cross to the right

Row 15: 1 purl. p., 3 p. cross to the left, (4 p. cross to the right, 4 p. cross to the left) * 2.3 p. cross to the right, purl 1. P.

Row 16: (2 knit stitches, 4 purl stitches, 2 knit stitches) * 3

Repeat these 16 rows.

Scheme: knitka.ru

Pattern on things

This pattern, with somewhat smoothed lines (unlike the first one) is, in our opinion, the most suitable option for women's sweater. Coral-colored things are bright and at the same time delicate - many people like them.

Aran knitting is an ancient Irish needlework technique. It is named after the islands of the same name in the west of Ireland. Initially used in knitting fisherman's sweaters, arans and plaits over time gained well-deserved popularity among craftswomen. Nowadays, such patterns are in great demand and serve as a real decoration for women's, men's and children's knitted products.

And how harmoniously such a pattern looks on knitted interior items! Aranas and strands of knitting patterns are so varied that sometimes it is very difficult to choose the most acceptable option.

We present to your attention an interesting selection of pattern samples with diagrams.

Abbreviations used in descriptions:

  • pattern repeat - P;
  • front rows - LR;
  • purl rows - IR.

Thick tourniquets

Volumetric relief pattern for thick yarn. The braids hold the fabric perfectly, preventing it from stretching.

The number of points is 14 points + 2 points + 2 cr. We knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern.

Vertical P consists of 1p. 16 rub.

Aranas with cones

Beautiful rice for children's and women's items. It is better to knit it from medium weight yarn.

We dial 38p.+2cr. Knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern. We knit yarn overs in IR purlwise. p., loops of cones - facial.

Vertical P consists of 1p. 22 rub.

Combined braids

An interesting combination of braids and plaits suitable for female and male models.

Knit according to the pattern that shows the LR. Knit IR according to the pattern.

Horizontal P in diagram. marked with a bracket, vertical P with 1p. for 32 rubles.

Aranas in the form of a diamond

It can serve as the central detail of the composition. Looks good on pullovers and jumpers.

Such plaits with knitting needles are made on the basis of a simple elastic band 3l.x3i. The circuit contains only LR. In IR we knit all the loops purlwise.

Horizontal and vertical P are equal to 33p, respectively. and 50r.

Celtic pattern

An original combination of different harnesses and arans. For beginner knitters, this may seem difficult to do. In addition to knitting needles, it is convenient to use a hook for knitting weaves.

The circuit contains LR and IR.

Red square in c. indicates the absence of a loop. You should move on to knitting the next one. element.
The width of the pattern is 54 p., in height we repeat from 1 p. 30 rub.

Aran motif

Interesting intertwined arans add an oriental flavor to the design. Suitable for various models of adult and children's clothing.

On сх. there is LR and IR.

Blue square in c. indicates the absence of a loop. You should move on to knitting the next one. element. The loop highlighted in green is knitted as knit 2 together.

Horizontal and vertical P are equal to 26p, respectively. and 48r.

The rich weave creates a very beautiful knitting pattern. An excellent choice for women's pullover models.

On сх. LR and IR are present.

The width of the motif is 36p. Knit vertically once with 1p. 40 rubles each, then repeat with 3 rubles. 40 rub.

Braid of 30 loops

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 30 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 40r.

Diagonal Aranas

Pattern for knitting with threads of medium thickness.

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 46 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 26r.

Aranas for bedspreads

Pattern for knitting with threads of medium thickness.

On сх. all rows are shown.

Horizontally, the pattern fits into 22 stitches. Vertical P is equal to 28r.

Wide stripe of arans

Royal pattern for interior items. Requires special attention when performing a knitting pattern.

Cx. shows all rows.

Number of items horizontally -64 items. In height we knit with repetitions from 1 p. for 38 rub.

Knitted diamonds from braids

A double pearl pattern is used to fill the diamonds. A beautiful solution for women's and children's models.

Cx. shows all rows.

Number of stitches horizontally - 20 stitches. In height we knit with repetitions from 1 p. for 36 rubles.

Path of ropes

For fine to medium weight yarns. This braid trail is ideal for children's clothes.

You can knit such bundles with knitting needles according to a diagram that shows all the rows.

Horizontal R has 16p, vertical R - 32p.

Braid of 34 loops

Multiple weaves of the braid create a truly exquisite pattern.

The pattern diagram shown contains all rows.

The required number of stitches in width is 34 stitches. You need to knit from 1p. for 28 rubles.

Laconic braids with knitting needles

Neat braids and arans located on the reverse surface are perfect for a men's jumper or women's pullover. This pattern will also be useful for decorating a blanket or pillow.

The diagram shows all the rows

The required number of stitches in width is 30 stitches. You need to knit from 1p. for 32 rubles.

Interweaving braids and arans

A wonderful motif knitted from medium-thick yarn can become a decoration for various models of women's and men's clothing.

The presented diagram shows only LR; in IR we work according to the visible risk.

The motif is located at 36p. We start with 15 sts before P, then - loops P, finishing with loops after P.
You need to knit once with 1p. at 62 rubles, then from 3 rubles. for 62 rubles.

Double aran mesh

This pattern can be used both as an integral part of the composition and as the main pattern of the product. Holds the shape of the canvas perfectly.

The diagram represents LR and IR.

Horizontal R = 16 p., vertical R with 1 p. 20 rub.

Complex braid for the central motif

Can be used as a decoration for the front of a jumper or pullover, including on the sleeves of the product.

The diagram contains LR and IR.

The width requires 42 stitches, the height is knitted with 1 stitch. 16 rub.

Lattice of arans and braids

The rice-ok resembles a lace lattice. Can be used as part of an overall pattern, or as an independent pattern.

The diagram shows only LR. For IR we knit according to the visible pattern.

Pattern width 30p., height 28p. You need to start with 5p. before P, then repeat stitches P, finishing with 9 stitches after P.

Aran stripe

The whimsical interlacing of arans is framed on both sides by 4p braids. The pattern is suitable for men's, women's and children's models.

The diagram shows all the rivers. When working with IR, you can check the diagram, or you can simply knit the loops, focusing on the previous row.

The required number of stitches in width is 24 stitches, in height you need to repeat from 1 p. 30 rub.

Triple loops

Alternating the purl and front stitches to fill the arans gives additional density to the knitted fabric. The pattern looks good not only on adults, but also on children's things.

The diagram shows only LR, in IR we knit all the loops according to the drawing.

Horizontal width R 18p., vertical height R 32p.

Diamonds with openwork inserts

Interesting pattern For women's blouses, topics. Also great for knitting interior items, such as bedspreads.

Depicted in c. LR is read from right to left, and IR - from left to right.

Motif width 24p. You need to start with 3p. to R, then repeat R. In height we repeat from 1p. 24 rub.

Diamonds made of ropes

Filling the inside of the diamonds pearl pattern emphasizes the beauty of the motif. Rice-ok is suitable for women's and children's models.

The diagram shows only LR. In IR we knit all stitches according to the pattern.

Number of stitches in width - 22p. We knit from 1p. for 28 rubles.


Pattern for medium thickness yarn. Requires tight knitting. It is better to use knitting needles one number smaller than the yarn manufacturer recommends.

The diagram shows all rows.

Horizontal P is 10p. We knit vertically once with 1 p. 10 rubles each, then repeat from 3 rubles. 10 rub.

Arana flowers

Very elegant drawing for models of women's jumpers and pullovers. It also looks beautiful on knitted sofa cushions and bedspreads.

We knit LR according to the pattern, IR - according to the drawing or pattern, your choice.

Horizontal P consists of 28p. If the motif is used as the central part of the overall pattern, then it is better to knit 46 stitches in width. We knit 34 rubles in height.

Weave from strands

The result is a structured canvas. Keeps its shape very well and does not stretch.

Simple scheme contains only LR. In IR we knit according to the visible pattern.

The number of points dialed must be a multiple of 8.

Arana knitting: patterns with descriptions, knitting, beautiful, pattern, Celtic

What we need:

  • Yarn - we recommend taking thick threads, where 45-50% natural wool and 50% acrylic. With this quality, the weave will be more clearly visible.
  • Knitting needles - from 4 mm and above, everything of course depends on the thickness of the thread.
  • What patience! Because only after knitting several repetitions of rapport can you clearly understand the magic of the pattern!

Now we need to practice weaving braids so that in the future there will be no difficulty with the technique of such braids:

Well, now the scheme itself, according to which we will work:

Complex aranas with knitting needles - diagram

Please note that the diagram shows only even rows in which the main pattern is formed; we knit the even rows as the loops look, i.e., for example, if in the 1st row a loop is knitted, then turning the work, we knit the same loop purlwise and vice versa.
So, turn on the video lesson and begin to repeat the skill technique from row to row.