How to curl your hair without harming your hair. How to curl your hair without harming your hair. Pineapple peel hair curler

Curly hair always looks stylish

Outside, spring is in full swing, and soon a hot summer will come - the soul demands a holiday, and the appearance demands changes. And, most often, women begin their experiments with appearance with their hair. And, the matter is not limited to just one, many women go further and straight hair turns into frivolous curls, and thick curls become straight.

We decided to talk to you about one of these metamorphoses, about hair curling. And, since our project is called World Without Harm, our theme will be harmless perm. Is there such a thing, what is it, how and where can you get such a harmless hair perm...

Benefits of Curly Hair

If you have straight hair and dream of romantic curls, then know that it is not only beautiful, but also... comfortable. Yes, yes, it’s convenient. According to the hairdressers themselves, even the worst haircut can be disguised with wavy curls. In addition, it is these curls that help hide the fact that your hair is not too thick and not too well-groomed. Yes, and you don’t need to be particularly tricky with a hairstyle for curly and wavy hair either - just put it in a ponytail, or put it in a bun, let out a few strands and a stylish romantic hairstyle is ready - with this you can even go to work...

It is noteworthy that even such short hair, the length of which is no more than 5 centimeters, looks quite stylish when its ends are curled...

Does curly hair suit everyone?

Well, we figured out that curls are practical, convenient and beautiful, but do such curls suit everyone? In order to answer this question, you need to carefully look at your reflection in the mirror, and not only at your face - but at your beloved self in full growth. Mentally imagine yourself with curls - how do you like your image - does it look harmonious? By the way, for clarity, you can use special computer programs for selecting hairstyles - then there will be no doubt at all about how curly you look.

playful small curls will not be combined with a stately figure and large facial features, but soft and large “waves” that fall downward are suitable for such women. But petite women with small facial features can experiment with any size of curls; almost all options suit them.

Having chosen a hairstyle (an option for future curls), make sure that it is in harmony with your image - your clothes and accessories.

Hair Curling Options

Now we will look at the most common hair curling options, and answer questions regarding the “+” and “-” of such options, and also consider the sustainability aspect of this hair curling effect.

Curling hair with a curling iron

Curls with a curling iron

The simplest and most worthy option for curling your hair, which you can do yourself at home. To do this, you just need to purchase a special curling iron or tongs, and select attachments for the size of such curls. Today there are curling irons with ceramic coating (an option that is gentle on your hair), thermostats, attachments, and ionizers. When choosing such a curling iron, consider the type of your hair (there are hairs that simply won’t curl no matter how you twist them) and the result that you would like to get. So for example,

for large curls, you need curling irons with a large diameter nozzle. And, in order to make the pattern of curls clearer, you need to take thin strands and hold the tweezers less on such thin strands of hair.

How do curling irons and tongs affect hair condition?

No matter how the manufacturer of such a curling iron or thermal tongs assures you that his device does not harm the condition of your hair at all, do not believe him, he lies and hides the whole truth. As a result of prolonged use of such curling irons (you curl your hair every day), your hair becomes brittle and dry, and its ends split..

Therefore, if you choose a curling iron and tongs as a way to curl your curls, then only very rarely, so to speak on holidays, using not simple hair styling products, but special ones - designed for hot styling (they will try to protect your hair as much as possible).

After curling your hair like this, promise your hair that you will definitely give it a “fasting” day from curls and pamper it with a nourishing mask. And, most importantly, do not forget to fulfill your promise.

Curling hair with hair straighteners

There is no typo here, if you didn’t know, then using a hair straightener (iron) you can not only straighten curls, but also curl them. True, you are unlikely to be able to create clear graphic strands, but for voluminous and soft curls such a straightener is suitable. They say that such straighteners are a more gentle option than a curling iron, and you can curl your hair in them even when it is still wet. Regarding the latter - wet hair, I would not experiment - it is too doubtful and unsafe.

Video on how to curl your hair using a hair straightener:

How does a straightener affect hair?

Since the straightener “works” on the same thermal principle as a curling iron, it is not suitable for daily curling of hair. Yes, in rare cases. Also, it is worth knowing that you can only twist clean hair onto the straightener, and you should not twist the same strand twice - you can simply burn it. You can’t pull your hair while curling - you’re already injuring it...

Curling hair with curlers

Hair curlers

Our grandmothers and mothers know very well about curlers. In addition, this method of hair curling can rightfully be considered the most ancient. Today, curlers differ not only in their shape and size, but also in the material from which they are made. There are also ordinary hair curlers - in order for you to get ringlets and curls, you will have to sleep on these rollers all night, and there are also hot rollers - a fairly effective and fast option for curling your hair.

How do curlers affect hair?

Ordinary curlers injure the hair and lead to its fragility, while hot rollers - the prefix “thermo” itself already implies a hot effect, like curling irons and flat irons, dry out the hair and make it brittle. Therefore, such hot rollers are not suitable for everyday use. But, if you decide to curl your hair with them, then you should not place the curlers too close to each other. And, in order to achieve the effect of volume, lightly pull the strands while curling. Well, for natural curls and such a romantic mess on the head, it is recommended to make the parting not even, but zigzag. For large and defined curls, choose large curlers. After curling your hair, carefully remove the curlers and comb the resulting curls with your hands. You should not use hot rollers on wet hair or for a long period (at night). And ordinary curlers need to be kept on your hair for no longer than 2 hours, while for hot rollers 10 minutes is enough.

There is an opinion that the devices with which girls create curls negatively affect their hair and spoil it. This is partly true, especially if you do it incorrectly and neglect the advice given by professionals. It is not surprising that representatives of the fair half of humanity ask the question: “is it possible to curl curls without harming the hair?” Of course yes, if you choose the following option:

REFERENCE! Don't forget that hair curled slightly damp will retain its curls longer. But this can only be used when curling using hair-safe methods. To enhance the effect, you can moisturize your strands with a strong tea infusion without sugar.

Which perm is better to avoid if you are afraid of ruining your hair?

  • Using chemicals.
  • For curling irons, hot rollers, straightening irons.

Safe long-term styling


Based on cysteamine, which is not as aggressive as acids and alkalis.


  • Moderate effect on the hair structure (the main emphasis is on the outer layer).
  • When performed by a professional, it lasts a long time (2-6 months - the duration is affected by the length, structure of the hair, adequate hygiene procedures, and the degree of atmospheric humidity).
  • The color of the strands is preserved.
  • Good texture of curls.


  • High price.
  • The advantages of the method are available only with a professional approach to the process (it is necessary to calculate the percentage of components, taking into account the condition of the client’s hair).
  • A specific hair scent for several weeks.
  • Not an option for hair dyed with henna or basma (the consequences are unpredictable due to the lack of data on the results of the interactions of these herbal dyes with the components of the curling product).
  • Cannot be combined with gel styling products.


The active product contains fruit acids that cause minimal harm to the structure and condition of the hair.


  • Curls last 1.5-2 months.
  • The fat content of strands is reduced.
  • Suitable for all hair types in normal condition.


  • Not suitable for lovers of sunbathing and swimming pools (it is advisable to protect the resulting curls from UV radiation and exposure to chlorine).
  • Short-lived among "mermaids".
  • Curls have increased rigidity.

When is it wiser to abandon gentle methods?

If your hair is “killed” due to frequent dyeing, other aggressive procedures to change the appearance of your hair, or due to health problems, even the most gentle long-term perm should not be done. But should you be upset when safe ways to achieve curls are always available?

Contraindications for gentle curls:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Problems with hormonal balance.
  • Dry hair due to UV exposure, exposure to salts, and frequent dyeing.
  • Increased skin sensitivity.
  • In previous colorings, henna and basma were used.

How to effectively create curls at home without damaging your hair?

  • Braids (small ones will give the effect of spiral chemistry, large ones will provide waves, and the roots will add volume).
  • Curl into bundles, which are then placed on the head in buns.
  • For curlers, curlers, donuts, bandage.

Extend the viability of the resulting curls:

  • Lightly moisturize before curling.
  • Use a strong, fresh infusion of yarrow, nettle, tea or chamomile as a modeling liquid.
  • Wear braids or curlers for at least 8 hours.

ADVICE! Do not start the process if rainy weather is forecast, your hair is dirty and you cannot wash it before curling - your efforts will be in vain.

Simple ways to curl your hair

On a sock (for mane up to the shoulder blade)

It is better to take terry, long and the same color as the hair (then small fibers tangled in the strands will not be noticeable).

On the toe (for mane up to the waist and below)

  1. Make a cross-section of about 3 cm in the unfolded sock.
  2. Tie the prepared mane into a ponytail.
  3. Insert the ends of the tail into the cut.
  4. Wrap the hair around the sock until it is secured into a ponytail.
  5. Tie the edges of the sock into a secure knot.
  6. Wait the allotted time.
  7. Having untied the edges of the sock, unravel the tail.
  8. Straighten the curls and fix with hairspray if desired.

This video will help you understand this topic better:

On lox

Don't be upset if the first time you don't get exactly the curls you want. Loksa are quite convenient and easy to use, you just need a little experience. A few tries and you will succeed.

Thermal devices

Thermo curlers

  1. Heat for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Keep for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Use up to 2 times a week.
  4. Give rest and use restorative agents for care during this period.

Curling iron, iron

In order for the resulting effect to last for a long time, experts recommend using fixing agents. For example, hairspray with flexible fixation is designed specifically for curls.

Which coating is better in tongs and curling irons?

Attention! Minimizing harm should be achieved by evenly distributing the strands over the heating element. You can also burn it with a Teflon-coated device if you wind a large strand of hair and wait until the top layer warms up well - the lower part of the strand will simply fry during this time.

How often can you do this type of hairstyle?

Determine for yourself, taking into account the current condition of your hair: if it has become dull, brittle, it’s time to take a break and do restorative procedures.

The beauty of curled curls largely depends on the accuracy in the process of creating them. Take your time, deciding to get an avalanche of curls by tomorrow. Work only with fresh hair, with thin strands, twist them evenly and do not rush in the process of removing auxiliary products. Then the result will be pleasing, and the condition of the hair will not worsen.

Why do women dream of being curly? Since ancient times, curls have been associated in the minds of men with femininity. Whether it’s a curly strand playfully straying out of the hair, or large waves sexily scattering over the shoulders. Every day hundreds, no, thousands of women go to the hairdresser with the request: “make me curly!”

Previously, the only way to achieve a long-term perm effect was the notorious “chemistry”. Yes, the hair really became curly, although it often looked like a washcloth. Horror stories were passed from mouth to mouth about how “a neighbor wanted to get a perm, but ended up going bald.” Until now, people of the older generation are wary of the phrase “perm.”

Fortunately, modern “chemistry” has become much more gentle. But still, that’s why it’s a perm, because the process of turning straight hair into curls occurs due to the influence of artificial substances (ammonia, thioglycolic acid and others). Although they are smaller than before, they still disrupt the natural structure of the hair.

In recent years, bio-hair curling technology has emerged. The very prefix “bio” in its name indicates that this technology is close to nature. And that means it is reduced to a minimum. One such method is biowave Mossa. Mossa does not contain chemical ingredients, so it does not damage hair and skin

Biocurl Mossa- This is an invention of the Italian company Green Light. The active ingredient in it, instead of ammonia and acids, is hydrogen chloride cysteamine (protein), similar in composition to natural hair protein. In addition, it contains bamboo extract. It penetrates deep into the hair structure, nourishes and strengthens it thanks to the proteins and vitamins it contains. Moss Digester allows you not only to create, but also to make your hair shiny and give it a healthy look. On top of that, it preserves your hair color.

By using Mossa bio-curls You can create different hairstyles: spiral curls, small curls or large waves. Biowave is also used to create root volume on straight hair. It can be used on colored and even highlighted hair.

How does the hair curling process work? Mossa bio-curls?

First, the master determines the hair type and applies a special composition for bio-curling. In the case of Mossa, it comes in three types:
- for natural hair;
- for hair that is difficult to curl;
- for hair that has been chemically treated.

The second stage - the hairdresser winds the hair with bobbins. In order to get different types of curls, curlers of different diameters are used. By the way, how long the bioperm will stay on the hair depends on the type of “curls”. The “small demon” lasts the longest - up to 9 months, large waves straighten out faster.

Finally, the final touch - after removing the bobbins and curling agent from the hair, a post-curl equalizer is applied to it. It smoothes the hair scales and polishes its surface. That's it, you can surprise your friends with your new image!

If you decide to do biowave hair, carefully consider the choice of salon and the qualifications of the specialist - the result will depend on this. In order to achieve maximum quality of curling, it is necessary to strictly follow a number of rules. Firstly, the technology of hair winding (each strand must be evenly wound onto the bobbin), secondly, the order of application of the compositions, and, finally, strictly adhere to the time during which the composition acts on the hair. If it is less than required, you may not get high-quality curls.

For hair after Mossa bio-curls will require a special one. It is recommended to wash your hair with a special shampoo for curly hair (it will make curls more elastic), be sure to use conditioner after each shampoo, and use a moisturizing mask 2 times a week. It is best to style your hair with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment using foams and gels. By the way, if after a couple of months of “curly life” you suddenly want to return to your usual straight hair, it’s not so difficult to do. Just after washing your hair, straighten your hair using a round comb and a hairdryer. grows back biowave Mossa imperceptibly, forming a smooth transition from natural hair to curled hair. If desired, the procedure can be repeated, but it is better not earlier than after 5-6 months.

Price bioperms slightly higher than traditional “chemistry” - approximately 20-30 percent. Curling medium length hair with Mossa on average it will cost 2000 – 2500 rubles. But is it worth saving on the beauty of your hair?

Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady

Curls always look stylish and modern. However, not every representative of the female half has been endowed by nature with curly hair. But with modern gadgets for creating hairstyles and many years of experience of grandmothers and mothers, today it is quite easy to create curls for long hair. Let's look at gentle options for creating everyday wavy hairstyles, and effective ways for special occasions.

Curling hair in harmless ways

There are several simple options for home perm suitable for long hair. Each of them allows you to get beautiful curls. The main condition for safe curling is washing your hair, since it is advisable to perform any manipulations with damp hair, otherwise the curls will quickly straighten. If the health of the strands does not contraindicate the application of fixing agents, then you can work with dry strands, but this will have a negative effect.

Using harnesses

Wavy curls can be done as follows:

You should keep your hair in this position depending on the hair structure and the use of mousses or gels for fixation. Manageable dry hair treated with styling cosmetics will curl in two to three hours. You can wash your hair before going to bed, wrap yourself in this way and go to bed. In the morning, your hair will turn into light curls.

Those who love large curls may not bother with a large number of flagella. You can make only two to four tight tourniquets and get the desired result. Curls in the form of a light wave on long hair with a porous structure can be made even easier: twist a strand around your finger and sprinkle with strong-hold hairspray. This method is better in different directions to look as natural as possible.

By braiding

Wet hair should be divided into zones. There can be two of them after a horizontal parting in the middle. Then it is best to braid two spikelets.

You can prepare many ponytails from which braids will be woven.

The initial step depends on the desired result, but any weave will create beautiful waves.

Light curls can be obtained by forming many thin braids, large ones - by weaving thick braids. You should unravel the pieces only after your hair is completely dry, so if you are in a hurry, use a hairdryer. To maintain your hairstyle for a long time, you can spray it with hairspray.

By creating hairstyles with a Greek headband or donut

This option is notable for the fact that if you do these hairstyles during the day, you will get curls on your long hair in the evening. To form a babette using a foam roller, follow these steps:

A simpler option for creating such a hairstyle, which allows you to get large curls after carefully removing the elastic bands,
shown in the photo.

In this version, the tail is simply screwed onto the roller. The method of curling strands using a Greek headband is presented in the video tutorial.

On curlers

This ancient method can give owners of long hair beautiful curls, large curls and spiral curls. It all depends on the shape and diameter of the curler itself. It’s easy to get a beautiful hairstyle if you take into account some nuances:

The curling procedure itself takes place in three stages: washing and lightly drying the hair, twisting the strands and keeping them until completely dry, and removing the curlers. If desired, the formed styling can be sprayed with varnish.

Effective winding due to thermal effects

The listed methods are associated with the treatment of curls with thermal devices, and therefore are not suitable for weakened and split ends. It is preferable to use them once or twice a week. It is recommended to protect the strands with special means beforehand.

On a curling iron

There are three types of curling irons:

Before heat treatment, it is advisable to apply mousse or foam to your hair to fix it and wait until it dries completely. Hairdressers advise keeping the strands on the curling iron for no more than fifteen seconds. You can curl them in different directions, getting spirals wrapped towards the face and the back of the head. The winding technique is as follows:

  1. Zones are formed by dividing the hair in a horizontal direction.
  2. Each is divided into upper and lower parts. In this case, the hair at the top is secured with a clip.
  3. Curling begins from the back of the head. Small strands up to a centimeter wide are clamped with pliers at the end and wound to the middle or to the roots, depending on what result you want to get.
  4. The hair on the crown and sides is treated in the same way.

The resulting beautiful curls should not be combed. You can spray them with varnish to preserve the styling for a long period.


Working with this device is similar to the previous method, only the strand begins to curl from the roots in a downward direction. An important difference is the final result: after ironing, large, voluminous curls are obtained. There are two possible installation options using this method:

These are the main ways to curl long hair, available at home. As you can see, even without a curling iron or curling iron, you can create daring curls without much effort. Following these tips will help maintain the beauty of your hair.

Almost every woman dreams of looking beautiful and changing something in her appearance. Very often, such changes affect the hair, because by changing the hairstyle, you can completely change the image. One of the options for quickly changing your appearance is perm.

What is hair perming and how is it done?

Hair perming is a procedure after which the strands become curly. This effect lasts for a certain time. There are several types of perm, among which the most common are bioperm and chemical perm.

Special chemicals are applied to the hair (which penetrate the hair structure), after which it becomes curly under the influence of temperature. Perm allows you to achieve long-lasting results, but at the same time spoils the hair structure. To carry it out, an acid base, alkaline, amino acid, neutral, or acid in combination with thioglucolate can be used. Each of these compounds has a different effect on hair. Some of them severely injure them, while others are more gentle.

The most useful and safe perm option is considered to be bio-perm. No chemicals are used during the procedure, so the curls remain healthy and retain their natural appearance. This method is performed in the same way as the chemical one, but it has its own characteristics, which we will consider.

What are the different ways to perform a perm?

Perm is a chemical process that turns straight hair into wavy hair. This effect is achieved due to the reaction of keratin and cystine bonds. They make hair soft, which allows you to give it the desired shape.

Many people believe that curling is very harmful to hair, but modern means make it possible to create curls with virtually no harm to the hair.

There are several options for perm, including:

1. Acidic. It is considered one of the most popular methods, the result lasts about 6 months. However, the effect of acidic products negatively affects the hair and it becomes tougher. It is not advisable to use this type of procedure for owners of soft and thin hair, as their structure becomes even thinner and becomes brittle.

2. Alkaline. After using alkaline products, the result lasts about 3 months. The method is considered the most gentle. It is not recommended for coarse and heavy hair, as it may not curl very well.

3. Neutral. Involves the use of alkaline and acid curls in combination, and the addition of allantoin provides a softening effect. Thanks to the optimal balance of acidity, the method can be used for any hair type. The curls turn out very beautiful, the curl lasts a long time.

What are the pros and cons of perm?

Like every procedure, perm has its pros and cons. Before resorting to this method, you need to determine its features. The advantages include:

Thanks to modern means, you can not only curl your curls for a long time, but also dye them;

Curls are in fashion at all times, they always look stylish;

Thanks to perm, you can forget about hair styling and significantly save time on creating a hairstyle;

Thin hair after the procedure becomes more voluminous;

Beautiful curls last for several months;

Curls are not afraid of rain and moisture.

Curls after perm look very fashionable and stylish. This procedure is very beneficial for those who love curls, but are tired of constantly using curling irons and curlers. However, despite a number of advantages, the method also has disadvantages. These include:

Modern products are less aggressive, but hair still becomes more brittle and dry;

After the procedure, your hair requires special care;

The method cannot be used during pregnancy, lactation, menstruation and with severely damaged hair structure;

If the hair is straight, it will not look very beautiful when it grows;

Dyed and bleached hair may react unpredictably to chemicals during the procedure;

If you're tired of curly hair, you can't straighten it right away, you'll have to wait a while;

Curly hair does not suit everyone; it can make your appearance less attractive.

If your hair is damaged and lacks moisture, you should not resort to perm. Before using the procedure, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

What are the pros and cons of biowave?

Unlike chemical hair treatment, biowave is considered safer. This method is a better alternative to traditional chemical procedures. It can be used on almost any hair. The procedure consists of the following steps:

1. First, the hair is rolled into curlers and cysteamine hydrochloride is applied to it. This allows you to saturate the curls with protein substances.

2. Then the hair is treated with another composition, which makes the protein that has penetrated the hair structure thicker.

3. At the last stage, the hair is impregnated with substances that restore the acid-base balance and fix the curls.

This procedure is used more often than perm. It has a number of advantages. The main ones include:

There is no damage to the hair (unlike perm);

After the effect ends, the curls straighten themselves;

The procedure can be carried out several times in a row;

The result lasts about 6 months;

Due to the absence of hair damage, when it grows there is no sharp border with new hair;

As a result of the saturation of the hair structure with proteins, it becomes healthier;

The procedure can be performed after perm;

If you are tired of the curls, you can straighten them with a hairdryer;

After the procedure, the color and structure of the hair does not change.

This method is considered one of the best. Curls made using bio-perms are more vibrant and healthy. Despite many advantages, there are also disadvantages. These include:

The procedure is more complex compared to perm;

Curls require special care after bio-curling;

For several days after the procedure, the curls may have a specific smell;

Bioperm is more expensive than chemical perm;

Curly hair may not suit your appearance and make it less attractive.

Biowave has more advantages than disadvantages. Before you make curls, you should consult with a hairdresser to see if they are right for you. It is also necessary to remember that hair after the action of special substances requires special care.

What type of perm is better to choose?

Most hairdressers are inclined to believe that bioperm is still better than chemical perm. These procedures have similar results, but their effects are completely different. The first method does not have a negative effect on the hair. You don't have to worry about your curls becoming dry and brittle.

When performing a perm, ammonia is used, which destroys the hair structure, which can make it burnt, dry and unkempt. It will be very difficult to restore such curls. You will have to constantly maintain your hair in its normal form with the help of cosmetic styling products, but they will not provide the same beauty and shine.

The principle of performing the procedures is the same and no significant difference is visible. They differ only in the substances that are applied to the hair. Nowadays, modern perm products are used, which reduce their aggressive effect on the hair.

If you still decide to make curls, the best choice would be a bio-perm. It is necessary to take into account the fact that curly hair may not suit you. Before deciding to carry out the procedure, consult with a specialist.

How to restore hair after perm?

After a chemical or bio-perm, your hair should be given special care. If chemicals have been applied to your hair, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

After the procedure, do not wash your hair for several days and do not perform heat treatment;

Use hair masks that contain panthenol and keratin. This will nourish the dried hair structure, making the curls soft and healthy;

Comb with a wide-toothed comb to avoid damaging or stretching your curls;

Try to provide your hair with good sun protection. The curls should not be allowed to dry out too much;

It is better to wash your hair with professional shampoos. It is also recommended to use medicinal preparations to strengthen hair;

After washing your hair, pat your curls dry with a towel, but do not wring them out. Also, do not go to bed with wet hair and do not comb your strands that are not yet dry.

Hair care tips are very simple. If you stick to them, your curls will last a long time and look healthier at the same time. When performing biowaves, you must consider the following:

It is not recommended to wash your hair for three days after the procedure;

Use moisturizing shampoos and restorative masks for curly hair;

Discard massage brushes and replace them with ones with fine teeth. Or use a wooden comb;

It is advisable not to blow-dry your hair or use a gentle drying mode;

Use homemade masks. They consist of natural ingredients and nourish the hair well.

The principle of caring for strands after chemical and bio-perms is almost the same. Although the second method is safer, after it the hair also needs nutrition and hydration.

Curling is a very interesting way to change your appearance, but before you decide to do it, you should think carefully, because it will be impossible to straighten your curls right away.