The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is a holiday of our people. Congratulations to all Slavs on the main holiday - the Day of Friendship and Slavic Unity! Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Every second Russian has a relative in Ukraine, every third Ukrainian has relatives in Belarus, and every fourth Belarusian knows a Pole or Slovak. We are all Slavs, and we celebrate June 25 and the unity of the Slavs.

Who are the Slavs

Probably few people don’t know who the Slavs are. Let's broaden our horizons by talking about some of the features of this group of peoples.

There is no greater community in the world than the Slavs. We inhabit the entire European and part of the Asian continent. Our compatriots live in all corners of the world. If you collect everyone who can be considered Slavs, then there will be about 370 million people in the world.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is celebrated by those who remember their roots, and who, at least indirectly, honor the people. Having once settled throughout Europe, the people of one community were divided into three groups: which included residents of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia; southern - territories of the countries of the Mediterranean coast of Europe, with the exception of the Greeks; Eastern - congenial Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians.

History of the Russians

Now, wondering where the roots of friendship and unity of the Slavs come from, few can answer unequivocally how it happened that so many different nationalities emerged from one nation. Historians only speculate on the true reasons for the settlement and division of one people, although there is still no reliable data.

Before modern world individual Slavic peoples lived very scatteredly and did not have their own territory. Until the 19th century, everyone was gathered within the borders of the three largest empires. The only exceptions were the Montenegrins, who initially had an independent state, and the Lusatians, who occupied an autonomous region within Germany.

It was only after 1945 that many separate states were created that declared their intention to write their history within independent borders. Today, the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs is an opportunity to remember what unites different countries, different languages ​​and faith, that we have the same roots of a large family tree that will never bend under the onslaught of invaders.

history of the holiday

It is difficult to determine the period when all the Slavs lived on the same territory and had a common language, culture and traditions. Some historians believe that this time was partially captured by the period of formation of Kievan Rus. Be that as it may, Cyril and Methodius are considered the ancestors, and their activities became the reason for the holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. The history of the Equal-to-the-Apostles people begins with the fact that these two holy martyrs streamlined all the church writing that existed at that time, as a result of which one language arose, called Old Church Slavonic.

Such different peoples with the same roots

For a long time, truly Slavic values ​​changed under the influence of Western cultures. This could not but affect traditions, beliefs and holidays. For example, almost all Slavs are Christians, but the Bosnians stand out among them all. They converted to Islam back in the days when they were captured by the Ottoman Empire.

The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs was created in order to revive what was lost hundreds of centuries ago, to remember those things in which our ancestors believed, and to finally begin to be proud of folk wisdom.

Where and how to celebrate

The tradition of celebrating the holiday began not so long ago. It was customary to celebrate June 25 as the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Every year the folk festival takes place in the place where the three borders of the most friendly Slavic states - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - meet.

Our countries have always been closely connected. And this is reflected not only in the economic or political component. Borders have separated large families, separated brothers and sisters, and grandparents. And it is a pity that recently there has been an increase in tension in relations between two almost fraternal states - Ukraine and Russia. The hope was expressed that the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2015 would be able to reduce the flaring fire of hostility.

So, the festival “Slavic Unity” is celebrated every year. The location of the general holiday is the point where the borders of three friendly states meet closest. Alternating, one of them receives guests.

How it was in past years

In 2013, the festival celebrated its anniversary. The guests were going to celebrate the unity of souls for the 45th time. This year's holiday was dedicated to another significant date - 1025 years have passed since the baptism of Rus'. The event was held in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, by coincidence, the holiday was again held outside the city of Klimov, in the Bryansk region.

But the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in 2015 was held in the town of Loev, in the Gomel region of Belarus. Its holding coincided with the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Festival 2016

It is not yet clear where Slavic Unity will be held this year. In theory, Ukraine should be the host in 2016, but due to the unstable situation on its territory, it is expected that Klimov will again be hosted in the Bryansk region. It is important for us to know the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs. Photos illustrating how the holiday takes place can be seen in our article.


We are all Slavs. And this is a nation very rich in culture and traditions. So let's not forget what flows in our blood, but be proud that our ancestors founded such powerful and strong states, created writing and opened the first schools. We are Slavs, and we are united!

Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, and also live in all post-Soviet countries, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Austria, Italy, America and Australia.

Most Slavs are Christians, with the exception of the Bosnians, who converted to Islam during Ottoman rule over southern Europe. Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Russians - mostly Orthodox; Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians are Catholics, among Ukrainians and Belarusians there are many Orthodox, but there are also Catholics and Uniates.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany. By the end of the twentieth century, all Slavic peoples, except for the Russians (who are, however, considered a state-forming ethnic group) and the Lusatians living in modern Germany, received state independence.

The idea of ​​unity of the Slavic peoples goes deep into history, to the creation of a common written language by the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, who are revered both in Russia and in a number of other Slavic states.

The joint celebration of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, which are associated with the honoring of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, helps strengthen the ties of the Slavic peoples and preserve the spiritual community of the Eastern and Western Slavs.

Regional national-cultural associations make a great contribution to the unity of the Slavs. Thanks to their activities, original traditions, the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples, customs and rituals are passed on from generation to generation, and civil peace and harmony are strengthened.

On the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs in different countries Cultural events are held aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors.

The festival "Slavic Unity" is taking place on the border of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. It was first held in 1969 and began as an informal celebration of the peoples of three countries. In 1975, the Friendship Monument (also known by the symbolic name “Three Sisters”) was erected, standing at the junction of three borders, and in recent decades, celebrations took place on a large field near the monument, with tens of thousands of people taking part in the event every year.

Once every three years, one of the regions - Bryansk (Russia), Gomel (Belarus), Chernigov (Ukraine) - became the host party responsible for holding the festival.

In 2014, for security reasons, the festival was first moved from the border zone to the city of Klimovo, Bryansk region, and in 2015 - to the Belarusian city of Loev.

The Slavic Unity festival will not take place in 2016. The Ukrainian side, which took the turn to host the festival this year, ignored the event.

An event dedicated to the unity of the Slavic peoples will be held at the end of June in Bryansk on the eve of the Day of Partisans and Underground Workers. Official delegations from Ukraine and Belarus, as well as creative teams from three countries will be invited here.

However, the tradition of holding a festival of Slavic peoples on the border of three regions will not be interrupted. In 2017, the right to host the Slavic Unity festival will pass to Russia and it will definitely take place.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

In addition to these peoples, there is also an emerging people, the so-called Rusyns. These are Slovaks by origin who moved to the territory of Serbia and Montenegro. The population of Rusyns is about 20 thousand people. The literary language of Rusyns is just being formed.

The Slavs occupy the territory of Eastern Europe, as well as central and northern parts of Asia. In the second half of the 19th century, there were no independent Slavic states yet. The Slavic peoples were part of three large empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman.

Roots of the ancient Slavs

The Slavs, compared to other peoples, are a relatively young people. The first mention of Slavic tribes appears around the sixth century AD.

The vast majority of scientists consider the region located north of the Carpathians to be the homeland of the Slavs. Defining more precise boundaries is still controversial. But, in general, we can talk about the territory stretching in the west - from the mouth of the Vistula River to the Neman. In the north - from the city of Novgorod to the sources of the Dnieper and Volga rivers, the eastern border was the Don River, in the south - the lower Dnieper.

Historians count fifteen ancient Slavic tribes. Which, by the way, were not always each other’s allies. The tribe, in turn, consisted of a collection of clans and lived in a relatively small isolated territory.

The Slavs raised pigs and were engaged in breeding cattle and horses. Hunting and fishing were also an important part of food production. Slavic tribes used a calendar tied to agricultural periods. The days of intense petition to the gods for seasonal rains, on which crops and pastures depended, were very important.

Today, June 25, all the Slavs of the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, the UN countries celebrate the Day of the Seafarer (Day of the Navigator), in Slovenia and Croatia they celebrate the Day of Statehood, and Ukraine celebrates the Day of Customs Service.

International holiday Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs

The bulk of the population of Europe are Slavs: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Czechs and Poles.
The Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs was created and established in the 90s of the 20th century so that the Slavic peoples remembered their historical roots and sought to maintain connections with each other and their centuries-old culture. This holiday appeared as a result of the collapse of the USSR, during the formation of independent Slavic states, when the need arose to establish friendly and partnership relations in new conditions.
Russia and Belarus became the first states to take serious steps in this direction and signed a number of agreements on mutual cooperation on equal terms.
This date is mainly and most widely celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This is truly a national holiday, which comes from the common cultural traditions of the roots and customs of our peoples.
On the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, various cultural events are held in these countries aimed at reviving and preserving the cultural traditions of our ancestors. Everyone and various representatives from the authorities, the church and the public take part in the celebration.

Day of the Sailor (Day of the Sailor)

Every year on this day, June 25, the Day of the Sailor or the Day of the Navigator is celebrated.
In 2010, at a conference in Manila, it was decided to celebrate this holiday by member states of the International Maritime Organization that were members of the UN.
This holiday is dedicated to merchant seamen, who until now, unlike military sailors, have not had their own holiday and who carry out 80% of all world trade activity.

Statehood Day (Slovenia)

On June 25, 1991, the Slovenian parliament announced Slovenia's secession from Yugoslavia and the independence of Slovenia. Since then, every year in Slovenia on June 25, in memory of the declaration of independence of Slovenia, a national holiday is celebrated - Statehood Day.

Statehood Day (Croatia)

In Croatia, Statehood Day is celebrated annually on June 25, a national holiday that was established in 1991 to commemorate the declaration of Croatian independence from Yugoslavia.
In 1991, on May 19, a referendum was held in Croatia, in which 93.94% of voters voted for the independence and sovereignty of the Republic of Croatia. The decision taken in the referendum on the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was binding on all government bodies, therefore, on June 25, 1991, the Croatian Parliament adopted the Constitutional Decree on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Croatia and the Declaration of the Proclamation of the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Croatia.

Customs Day (Ukraine)

The Customs Service of Ukraine is one of the main services of the state. Every year this country celebrates Customs Service Day - a professional holiday for all employees of this structure.

Unusual holidays

Today, June 25, with friends and acquaintances you can celebrate the unusual fun holidays Day of Smiles for Strangers and Day of Moderation

Day of Smiles for Strangers

What tourists notice first is that no one smiles at strangers on the streets of Moscow. For some reason, just a smiling passerby seems strange to us; there is a popular saying: “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool.”
In America, it is customary to smile at strangers and it is called “make smile”. But for some reason we can’t stand this American habit. Maybe it seems fake to us? But in Germany and France they don’t smile like that either. In Italy, people generally smile often because they have that kind of temperament. They don't smile at strangers at all in Israel.
Or maybe it’s worth greeting a stranger with a smile at least one day a year?

Moderation Day

The Russian people have a good saying: everything is good in moderation.
It is advisable to spend today in accordance with it - do everything slowly, allow yourself to chat on the phone for an extra five minutes, buy a couple of extra things in the store.
Moderation is harmony and balance; it is true grace, which is awarded from above to a patient and prudent person. Be moderate today and you will see how much benefit this day can bring to you.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Peter Solstice

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Peter of Athos, a Greek by birth, who served as a governor in the imperial troops in the 7th century.
During the war with the Syrians, Peter was taken prisoner and imprisoned in a fortress, where he languished and pondered what sins God had punished him for. One day Peter remembered that he once promised to go to a monastery, but did not fulfill this promise. After this, he began to pray fervently and observe strict fasting. Then Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to Peter in a dream three times, together with Saint Simeon the God-Receiver, who touched Peter with the rod of chains and the iron, like wax, melted, the doors of the prison opened, and Peter was released.
In order to become a monk, Peter went to Rome.
Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared in a dream to the Pope and personally ordered him to tonsure Peter as a monk. The Pope did this and allowed the monk to choose his own place of residence. The Mother of God helped Peter make his choice, who pointed him to the holy Mount Athos, where Peter spent 53 years in complete solitude and lived there until the end of his days, devoting the rest of his life to prayers and fighting demons.
Peter in Rus' was nicknamed Solstice, because from June 25 the sun shortens its course, and the days become shorter, the eyes become longer.
Peter's Day was also popularly called the belated skit, because on this day gardeners sowed the last seeds and planted the last seedlings.
Peter was also called Fisherman, because on this day the peasants went fishing, and the peasant women prepared fish dishes, the main dish being, of course, fish soup.
Until the 19th century, fish soup was popularly known as any soup. But gradually this name began to be used only for fish soup.
On Peter's day, our ancestors observed the following weather signs: if the weather was clear on Peter's Solstice, then the mowing would be successful, but if it rained on that day, then bad weather was expected during haymaking.
Name day June 25 from: Andrey, Anna, Arseny, Ivan, Maria, Onufry, Peter, Stepan, Timofey, Julian

June 25 in history

1969 - The Time Machine group was formed.
1970 - A monument with a bust of the deceased is erected at Stalin’s grave near the Kremlin wall - 9 years after his removal from the Mausoleum.
1971 - The UK Department of Education allocated £132 million to move more than 6,000 primary schools out of slum areas.
1974 - Launch of the Soviet orbital space station Salyut-3.
1975 - Vladimir Borisovich Kramnik, the 14th world chess champion according to the PCA, was born.
1978 - In the final of the FIFA World Cup, the Argentina national team defeated the Dutch national team in extra time with a score of 3:1.
1985 - Agaverdi Abutrabovich Aliverdiev, a Soviet mechanical engineer, laureate of the USSR State Prize, chief engineer of the Dagdizel plant in Kaspiysk (1965-1985), died.
1988 - Holland becomes the European champion, beating the USSR national team in the final with a score of 2:0.
1989 - Two months after the death of the nuclear-powered icebreaker “Komsomolets”, a leak occurs in the cooling system of a nuclear reactor on the submarine K-131 of the Northern Fleet of the USSR.
1991 - Slovenia and Croatia left Yugoslavia.
1997 - Jacques-Yves Cousteau (b. 1910), French oceanographer, inventor of scuba gear, died.
1998 - The Windows 98 operating system was officially released
1998 - The State Opera and Ballet Theater was opened in Dagestan.*
1999 - Evgeny Morgunov (b. 1927), a film actor, especially known for his role as Experienced of the trinity with Yuri Nikulin and Georgy Vitsin (Dog Barbos and the Extraordinary Cross, Moonshiners, Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik) died "," Captive of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik").
2009 - Chinese authorities accused Google of distributing pornography and blocked access to it.
2009 - Michael Jackson, singer, dancer, “king” of pop music, died.

The Slavs are the world's largest group of peoples who have much in common. There are 300-350 million representatives of this nation living in the world. They are divided into three categories - eastern (Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Rusyns), western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians, Kashubians) and southern (Slovenians, Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Montenegrins, Bosnians, Macedonians) Slavs.

History and traditions

The organizers of the holiday were people. They did not allow the strong threads that connected the fraternal nations to break after the collapse of the USSR. For many years, a festival of folk talents was held annually on the territory of the former Union at the end of June. The theme of the Slavs was constantly present at it, as a reminder that these peoples will remain one friendly family. After a while, the holiday was canceled, but people did not give up on it. They organized a festival of Slavic youth, which was held every year at the end of June. Over time, it turned into the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.

The purpose of the celebration is to strengthen ties and preserve spiritual community. On this day, the roots, traditions, culture and customs of the Slavic peoples are remembered. Cultural events are held where creative groups perform. The Slavic Unity festival is taking place on the border of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

The ancient Slavs were not pagans. They practiced Vedicism, worshiped the heavenly bodies, elements and gods. Pagans were those who were distinguished by culture, faith, or spoke a different language.

Most Slavs are Christians. The exception is the Bosnians. They profess Islam.